Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Welcome to Lotus Flower Book Club

Welcome and hello to the Lotus Flower Book Club's dedicated blog page. You are my Lotus Readers, comprised of subscribers to my online book club and my real life book clubs out there who test read for me and generally socialise once a month. Sometimes, we even talk about the book.

Now is a very exciting time for me because the website will launch at the weekend and my first orders can be placed. The book club is a monthly gift subscription club based around the different meanings of the lotus flower. There are six reading lists to choose from: red, blue, purple, pink, white and of course, gold which is the supreme lotus. If you check on the website you will be able to see the meanings of the different lists, you can pick a 3,6 or 12 month subscription and receive a gift wrapped book through the door once a month. Exactly like a magazine subscription, just with books.

I have so many exciting and wonderful books to share with you all and this is the place where subscribers will be able to read what others thought of the books they are reading, find good book club questions and discussion points, and just read the ramblings of a complete reading nut!